Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und
Archäologie des Mittelalters der Universität Tübingen
ArchNet(internet-link: "")
University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology
Society for American Archaeology Bulletin(internet-link: "")
Department of Anthropology(internet-link: "")
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Oriental Institute of Chicago(internet-link: "")
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology (internet-link: "")
University of Michigan
Archeological Field Work WWW Server(internet-link: "")
Cornell University
National Archaeological Database (NADB)(internet-link: "")
University of Arkansas
Little Salt Spring Underwater Archaeology Project(internet-link: "")
University of Miami
Robert Dunnell: Systematics in Prehistory.(internet-link: "")
University of Washington, Department of Anthropology
Archaeology in Arctic North America(internet-link: "")
University of Waterloo, Department of Anthropology
Department of Classics(internet-link: "")
University of Cincinnati
National Museum of the American Indian(internet-link: "")
New York
The Virtual Classroom(internet-link: "")
Online archaeology course on the Internet
Archaeology Magazine(internet-link: "")
Origins of Celtic Art - An electronic dissertation proposal(internet-link: "")
University of Virginia
Chaco Canyon(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
Arctic Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Calgary
Canadian Museum of Civilisation(internet-link: "")
International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
Africa(internet-link: "")
Asia(internet-link: "")
Australia and Pacific(internet-link: "")
Central America(internet-link: "")
North America(internet-link: "")
South America(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
ArchNet USA - Subject Areas(internet-link: "")
Computer Visualisation in Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Bristol
Xanten Stadtplan.(internet-link: "")
CAD in der Archäologie. Universität Dortmund
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit(internet-link: "")
Oxford University
RADIOCARBON Home Page(internet-link: "")
University of Arizona
Waikato Home Page(internet-link: "")
C14-Labor der Waikato University, New Zealand
Radiocarbon WEB-info(internet-link: "")
International Tree Ring Data Bank(internet-link: "")
World Data Center for Paleoclimatology(internet-link: "")
International Organisation of Palaeobotany(internet-link: "")
University of East London Palaeobiology Research Unit
9th International Palynological Congress 1996(internet-link: "")
The Visible Human Project(internet-link: "")
Ancient Monuments Laboratory(internet-link: "")
Ancient Metallurgy Research Group(internet-link: "")
The NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page(internet-link: "")
Underwater Archaeology Resources
- an index to resources for underwater archaeology on the Internet
Zum Index
WEDA(internet-link: "")
The Worldwide Email Directory of Anthropologists
The Ancient World Web(internet-link: "")
World Art Treasures(internet-link: "")
Gateway to World History
The Virtual Library - MUSEUMS(internet-link: "")
Welcome To The Museum Professional(internet-link: "")
UNESCO World Heritage Center(internet-link: "")
Includes the World Heritage Convention and World Heritage List.
DScriptorium Home Page(internet-link: "")
Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World(internet-link: "")
Point Communications Corp.(internet-link: "")
Top 5% des WWW im Bereich History/Humanities
Anthropological Resources on the World Wide Web(internet-link: "")
CLASSICS SUBJECT GUIDE(internet-link: "")
Gateway to World History
WWW Virtual Library for Medieval Studies(internet-link: "")
Mittelalter im Internet, Middle Ages Online, medieval resources(internet-link: "")
THE AMPHORAS PROJECT(internet-link: "")
SARC - Stone Age Reference Collection(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
ArchNet USA - Software(internet-link: "")
Bonn Archaeological Software Package(internet-link: "")
Das Softwarepaket für Seriation, Korrespondenzanalyse, Clusteranalyse, Kartierung u.a.
OxCal 2.18(internet-link: "")
Radiocarbon calibration program from the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and Art History at Oxford University. Windows Version.
Calib v. 3.03c(internet-link: "")
Radiocarbon calibration program from the University of Washington. Stuiver and Reimer's (1994) program is constantly updated and available for both MAC and DOS platforms.
Map Maker - Free GIS for Windows(internet-link: "")
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) WWW Resource List(internet-link: "")
NOAA/Paleoclimatology Software Library(internet-link: "")
Senet(internet-link: "")
Das Spiel der Pharaohs. Umsetzung des altägyptischen Brettspiels für PCs unter Windows (500 kb).
20-Squares(internet-link: "")
Ein weiteres Brettspiel, das bereits den Sumerern bekannt war.
Beide Programme benötigen noch vbrun300.dll(internet-link: "")
(230 kb).
Zum Index
Vereine & Publikationen
Weitere Informationen
- Stand: 15. Juni 1996
diese Seite enthΣlt
Society for American Archaeology Bulletin(
Department of Anthropology(
The Oriental Institute of Chicago(
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology (
Archeological Field Work WWW Server(
National Archaeological Database (NADB)(
Little Salt Spring Underwater Archaeology Project(
Robert Dunnell: Systematics in Prehistory.(
Archaeology in Arctic North America(
Department of Classics(
National Museum of the American Indian(
The Virtual Classroom(
Archaeology Magazine(
Origins of Celtic Art - An electronic dissertation proposal(
Chaco Canyon(
Arctic Archaeology(
Canadian Museum of Civilisation(
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)(
Australia and Pacific(
Central America(
North America(
South America(
ArchNet USA - Subject Areas(
Computer Visualisation in Archaeology(
Xanten Stadtplan.(
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit(
Waikato Home Page(
Radiocarbon WEB-info(
International Tree Ring Data Bank(
World Data Center for Paleoclimatology(
International Organisation of Palaeobotany(
9th International Palynological Congress 1996(
The Visible Human Project(
Ancient Monuments Laboratory(
Ancient Metallurgy Research Group(
The NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page(
The Ancient World Web(
World Art Treasures(
The Virtual Library - MUSEUMS(
Welcome To The Museum Professional(
UNESCO World Heritage Center(
DScriptorium Home Page(
Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World(
Point Communications Corp.(
Anthropological Resources on the World Wide Web(
WWW Virtual Library for Medieval Studies(
Mittelalter im Internet, Middle Ages Online, medieval resources(
SARC - Stone Age Reference Collection(
ArchNet USA - Software(
Bonn Archaeological Software Package(
OxCal 2.18(
Calib v. 3.03c(
Map Maker - Free GIS for Windows(
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) WWW Resource List(
NOAA/Paleoclimatology Software Library(